La Thoracata
Esta escultura representa a un personaje masculino, ataviado con túnica, peto metálico y capa. La fecha es de la mitad del siglo I d.C. y por su procedencia estaría situada en el foro, el corazón administrativo y político de la Córdoba romana. Esta estatua puede ser una representación de Eneas o de Rómulo, relacionándose con el uso político de la imagen por parte del emperador Augusto, que legitima su poder como descendiente de estos héroes relacionados con la fundación de Roma. Esta imagen refleja el estado de una sociedad y su sistema de valores. Sea su nombre Eneas o Rómulo, este ancestro legendario de la Roma imperial llego al corazón de la Bética para quedarse.
This sculpture represents a male character dressing a tunic, metallic breastplate and cape. It dates from mid 1st century A.D. and by its origin, it would be located at the administrative and political heart of Roman Cordoba. This statue can be a representation of Aeneas or Romulus, relating to the image of the emperor Augustus that legitimizes his power as a descendant of these heroes related to the founding of Rome. This image reflects the state of a society and its system of values. Whether it is Aeneas or Romulus, this legendary ancestor from imperial Rome arrived at Bética to stay.
This sculpture represents a male character dressing a tunic, metallic breastplate and cape. It dates from mid 1st century A.D. and by its origin, it would be located at the administrative and political heart of Roman Cordoba. This statue can be a representation of Aeneas or Romulus, relating to the image of the emperor Augustus that legitimizes his power as a descendant of these heroes related to the founding of Rome. This image reflects the state of a society and its system of values. Whether it is Aeneas or Romulus, this legendary ancestor from imperial Rome arrived at Bética to stay.
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