Medinat Al-Zahara

Madinat al-Zahra no vive aislada, sino que establece relaciones diversas con el resto de al-Andalus y el mundo mediterraneo, y compite con los califatos contemporaneos y precedentes.
La Mayoria de la poblacion vive en la Medina. Son los gobernados, entre los que se encuentran los ulemas, conocedores de las materias religiosas, los militares que hacen las guardias en el Alcazar y la Medina, los artesanos de ellos acompanados por sus familias. Al igual que en las restantes ciudades islamicas, disponen de un zoco, un espacio de mercado donde se situan las tiendas de los mercaderes.

Madinat al-Zahra was not isolated from the rest of the world, as it maintained relations with the rest of al-Andalus and the Mediterranean world, and competed with contemporary and earlier caliphates.
Most of the population lived in the Medina. They were the governed among whom were the ulemas, experts on religious matters, the military who did guard duty in the Alcazar and the Medina, the craftsmen in the caliph's workshops, and the servants of the Alcazar, all of them living with their families. As in the other Islamic cities, there was a "zoco" or market where merchants shops were situated.


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